Screen Printing Artwork Guide
We want you to be happy with your custom screen printed shirts when you order them to us. We would rather not print at all than to print a low-quality one. We want high-quality as much as you do. And so here are some tips for what we are looking for from your logo or artwork. (But then again, not all are quite savvy with computer graphics and all that, and so email us whatever you have and we will do the rest.)

Your logo or artwork in VECTOR format
A vector logo or vector artwork will print crisply and sharp. The screenprint with the vector file is high-quality. A vector file format is a product of Adobe Illustrator (AI).
When you first design your logo, tell your graphic designer to do the design with AI format. If you have an existing logo and it’s not a vector, consult your graphic designer if it can be converted or redrawn with AI. Having your logo or artwork in vector format will benefit you in the long run.
Other software that you can use to have a vector file is CorelDraw, Inkscape, and Sketch, and that’s just to name a few.

Your logo or artwork in Photoshop file
Some logo or artwork is just best in Photoshop format (jpeg, psd, tiff, png, etc.) And to screenprint them, we need them in high-resolution file. This kind of file, we are all familiar with the look of it. This can be a photo straight from your camera or cellphone or the photos or images from the internet.
A cellphone photo nowadays has the best resolution enough to screen print them good. You can send that to us. A thumbnail photo may not give us a good resolution when enlarged for screen printing.

Your logo or artwork in paper sketch or print
A lot of good logo or artwork are first done with pencil sketch. If you have your logo or artwork sketched or printed on paper, get it scanned in high-resolution or take a clear photograph of it (as straight as you can). This type of images may need to be color adjusted or redrawn in Photoshop or Illustrator. But scanning or taking a photo from it will be a good start.
We have the latest professional graphic software to take care of color adjustments and drawing to vector file. So just scan them or take an straight photo and send it to us.

Let us do your logo or artwork
Email us your idea, described in words or pencil sketch, and we will take care of creating your logo or artwork for you. We have experienced graphic designers that are ready to put them to life.
From your sketch, we will redraw them to a digital format (vector), and get them ready for screen printing.
If you just want some simply text, we can do that as well. We will create the typography that best suit what you are looking for and you approve or revise from there.
Your photograph with text? No problem. Send us the best photo that you have and will create the layout for you.